Learn My Step-By-Step Process That Will Help You Build Your Fireplace With Confidence!
Our plans include detailed instructions and diagrams, so you can be sure that your fireplace will turn out perfect. We also provide a list of all the materials you’ll need, so you can get started right away.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to add a touch of LUXURY to your home.
Order Your Printable DIY Electric Fireplace Plans Today!
DIY Electric Fireplace Frame Plans
If you have found yourself landing on this page it’s probably because you are ready to build your dream fireplace! Over the last year I have had emails, video chats and direct messages of nothing but questions on how to construct our fireplace frame.
I answered a ton of questions in this article DIY Shiplap Electric Fireplace. Along with other resources like this DIY Mantel article and the story highlight bubble on my Instagram that answers some FAQs. I love it when everyone reaches out to me with questions and pictures of their fireplaces, but I started to notice a lot of people wanted to build the exact frame as ours.
So I made up these plans just for you!
READY TO START saving money on your next home improvement project?
Order Your Own Printable DIY Electric Fireplace Plans Today!
Regularly $15
These Plans Are For You If…
What Buyers are saying:
Buyers who have purchased & built with our plans are raving about it! Here is what they had to say: